The Search for Superstrings,
Symmetry, and the Theory of everything
By Professor John Gribbin
University of Sussex
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Sussex
Brighton East Sussex BN1 9QH
Tel: 01273 678557
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Event Horizon Intersection

Other Dimensions
Figure 4 Press To Enlarge

Extra Dimensions In String Theory
Intersect With Event Horizon

This Link discusses the possibility that the strings/extra dimensions/and event horizon of our resident black hole intersect at about the Planck level 10 (Minus 39) This is visualized as extra dimensions as being small or curled up it is possible that this effect is simply caused where the intersections of the 3 triangles occur. In this theory the additional dimensions can be enormous or infinite and the Higgs Boson and other super partners might be quite large.

Professor John Gribbin in The Search for Superstrings, Symmetry, and the Theory of Everything explains on pages 115-118 that Nambus string theory describes strings as 10(minus 13cm). the Kaluza Klein theory however describes every point in space time as a little loop at 10 (minus 32cm) with 11 dimensions. As the figure above suggest the intersection of the 3 triangles representing extra dimensions in our universe converge on the inside at the event horizon which some sources describe as (10-33 CM). This is visualized as extra dimensions as being small or curled up it is possible that this effect is simply caused where the intersections of the 3 triangles occur. In this theory the additional dimensions can be enormous or infinite and the Higgs Boson and other super partners might be quite large.

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Professor Lee Smolins
31 Caroline Street North
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5
519) 569-7600 x7641

Three Roads To Quantum Gravity

Figure 3-Intersection of Space Lattice

& Possible Event Horizon
Push On Image to Enlarge

Theory of Wilson Circles Or Klauz/Klein Theory
Three Roads To Quantum Gravity

We are theorizing that every point in our universe has a space lattice which intersects with extra dimensions and the inside of the event horizon of our resident blackhole. In Three Roads to Quantum on Page 115 Kenneth Wilson asked: " space is not continuous, but is instead represented by a kind of graph, with points connected in a regular arrantement by lines...We call such a regular graph a lattice or... Wilsons loops or Kaluza Klein Theory. In this idea the structure of space at 10 (Minus 66) or the (Plank Level 10 Minus 39) is a fine lattice where each point in represents the inside surface of the event horizon and the dimensions of the "string theory" intersect as explained in the figure above.

Figure 8 Event Horizon Defines Gravity

Press On Picture To Picture

Event Horizon Defines
Gravity-Strong/Weak Forces?

In this concept the event horizon is the boundry which separates our universe from the universe outside of the black hole at every point on the "Wilson Loop". The attraction caused by the event horizon at every point in quantum space inside our universe is much weaker than the force exerted outside where matter is drawn into the singularity. The strong of force of gravity is able to prevent the escape of light beyond the event horizon however at the quantum level inside our universe the weak force is called gravity. This probally plays an important role in the attraction and repulsion of particles where electrons lack a lot of mass however protons have much larger mass and causes larger attraction at each quantum point in space of time.